JA Tools for Success
JA Tools for Success® introduces students to work and career readiness skills and other concepts and thought processes needed to prepare for the digital economy. Students learn work-ready skills needed to interact, build relationships, and exhibit self-awareness through the lens of their own values, skills, and interests.
- Five modules, each consisting of multiple 5- to 15-minute student self-guided online activities, can be used as individual experiences, combined into a 45-minute traditional session or used as a supplement to be integrated into existing JA learning experiences.
- Teacher guides, available for each self-guided online activity, provide ideas for launching the activity, extended learning opportunities, and home-to-school connections.
Connect with your local JA Area office to access the digital teacher guide.
Modules were collaboratively designed by JA USA along with national and international advisory group members.
JA Tools for Success ®
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View JA Finance Park
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View JA It's My Future
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